Nuria Legarda

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Nuria Legarda is a theatremaker and stage director, choreographer, performer, and teacher of performing arts, based in London and Barcelona, whose work centres around physical and visual dramaturgy.

She was awarded Best Show by the Premis Projectes d’Escenificació de l’Institut del Teatre de Barcelona for her first piece La Cena (2008), which was also nominated for Best Show at the Butaca de Teatre de Catalunya Awards. 

Her work has been produced and performed at a number of prestigious venues across Europe and the United States including Black Tie at the Copenhagen Stage Festival (DK); Claim Your Place I+P at the Festival TNT Catalonia (ES), Festival Cos Catalonia (ES), Festival BAD (ES), Topia Arts Center (USA), Centro Español in New York (USA); La Cena at the Festival Temporada Alta Catalonia (ES), Sala Beckett Barcelona (ES) and Écumes at the Festival NEO Barcelona (ES), Espace Périphérique – La Villette Paris, (FR), CDN Reims (FR), O Espaço do Tempo in Montemor-O-Novo (PT) among others. 

She approaches theatre devisal from a unique perspective, which is interested in the hybridisation and superposition of scenic layers, striving for an expansion in the potential meaning born by human & non-human elements; a relational dramaturgy, the sum of which, amplifies experiential impact to a level greater than each component could elicit individually.

Interdisciplinarity also defines the design of her artistic teams, which are diverse in artistic skillsets and cultural backgrounds.

A connecting thread of exploration in her work lies in probing at the limits of normative behaviour, and embodying the notion of society as a direct manifestation of our internal processes. Her productions intend to reflect uncomfortable emotional terrain back at us through use of hypnotic and bold visual poetics.

She continues to build upon a multifaceted career that combines her original productions, artistic collaborations as a choreographer, work as a creative advisor in devising processes  and performer; as well as academic study of avant-garde contemporary devising methods, organising periods of subsidised research, and being involved in the devisal processes of other artists such as  Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier, directors of the Belgian company Peeping Tom; for which she was awarded a scholarship (2018-2019) by the SGAE;  all of which has led her to develop a singular methodology rooted in physical intuition, respect and care in the workspace, and which promotes the relationship between process and creation as entirely reciprocal.

Artistic career

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Play Video

She has collaborated as a choreographer and movement director, with directors of the calibre of Michael De Cock in L’aquimista, Teatro Nacional de Catalunya; José Troncoso in Las Asamableístas, Mérida International Classical Theatre Festival; Carme Portaceli in Frankenstein, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya; Roberto Romei in Lehman Trilogy, La Villaroel y Grec Festival; Julio Manrique in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Teatre Lliure amongst others.

As an artistic collaborator, she has contributed to the work of artists such as Paulo Duarte company la Mecanika en Andere in CDN de Strasbourg, Scène National Montbéliard, Printemps de Comédiens, Montpellier; Elinor Lewis at Orchard, at The Place’s Resolution, Livevibe dance and Choreodrome 2018 and at Aerowaves 2019; with Rubén Molina in Mátame, at the Théâtre du Gymnase, Paris; Mary Galloway in Magdalene at Arcola Theatre, Battersea Arts, London; La Zampa CDC, Toulouse; among others.

As a performer she has participated in productions directed by Franco di Francescantonio, Joan Baixas, Javier Mariscal, Joseph Nadj, Tomeo Verges among others; at Rendez-vous avec l’Espagne MiRA Festival! at the Développement Chorégraphique Center, Toulouse with choreographers Tomas Aragay, Olga Mesa, Cesc Gelabert, Sam Louwick, and Heddy Maalem; She has also been a member of dance companies such as Senza Tempo and visual theatre companies such as Comediants.

She has also worked extensively as a teacher in Performing Arts, at universities, drama schools and international exchanges such as Rose Bruford College (UK), Institut del Teatre de Barcelona (ES), Prima del Teatro, Fondazione Teatro di Pisa, (IT), and Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts (DK), offering classes and workshops centred around finding new forms of dramaturgy, as well as offering performance tools in acting and movement.  She understands teaching as a space in which to pursue lines of creative investigation, and considers it an honour to contribute to future generations of artists’ training.

Theatres, residences and institutions


National Theatre of Catalonia
Barcelona Grec Festival
Temporada Alta Festival
Teatre Lliure
La Perla 29
Sala Beckett 
Terrassa Noves Tendencies Festival, (TNT)
Festival Internacional de Teatre Visual i Titelles 
Festival Noves Escenas Obertes, (NEO) 
Cos Festival, Reus
L’animal a l’esquena, Celrà
French Institute Barcelona
La Brutal
Eteri productions
Graner Creation Factories
Estruch Creation Factories
Can Massó Art Center, Reus
Institut del Teatre de Barcelona
Eòlia Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic
Catalan Institute of Cultural Industries, Generalitat of Catalunya
Ramon Llull Institute
ICIC Indústries Culturals Catalanes


Bora Bora - Dans and visual theatre, (DK)

Copenhagen Stage Festival. (D.K.)

CISPA Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts



Mérida International Classical Theatre Festival

Matadero, Madrid

SGAE General Society of Authors and Editors

BAD Festival, Bilbao, Basque Country

Auditorium, Pamplona, Navarra

Other Views festival, Gayarre Theatre, Pamplona, Navarra

Matakaladantza Festival, Pamplona, Navarra

Government of Navarre


Montbéliard National Scene

TJP National Dramatic Center Strasbourg

Aerowaves Spring Forward 2019

Gymnase Theatre, Paris

Théâtre des 13 vents National Dramatic Center Montpellier

Festival Les Nuits Euphoriques, Tournefeuille

National Dramatic Comedy Center of Reims

Peripheral space - La Villette Paris

MIRA Festival!

Mecanika I Paulo Duarte Co, Montpellier

Rubén Molina Co, Paris

La Zampa Co, Toulouse

Pseudonym Co, Reims

Paris Flamenco Institute

Croisées scenes from Lozère, Mende

City of Tournefeuille

City of montpellier



Prima del teatro, Fondazione Teatro di Pisa (Italia)


FIMFA International Festival of Puppets and Animated Forms, Lisbon

O Espaço do Tempo, Montemor-o-Novo

La Tarumba, Lisbon

Porto Municipal Theater

Rivoli Theatre


Battersea Arts Centre

The Place, London

Livevibe Dance, London

DanceXchange, UK

Rose Bruford College, London

Guildhall Drama & Music School, London

Regent's College, London

Goldsmiths Festival University of London


Topia Arts Center, Massachusetts

Spanish Center, New York

Consulate General of Spain in New York

Catalan Institute of America, New York

2019 – 2018International Development Practical Research Scholarship with the company Peeping Tom, with Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier, Brussels (BE). SGAE General Society of Authors of Spain.

2018 – 2016 Advanced Performing Arts Improvement Scholarship, new creative thinking. A bursary for MA Performance Making studies, Goldsmiths University of London. Generalitat of Catalunya.

2014 Research new creative thinking Scholarship in  Performing Arts,  for World of Wolves devising period. Generalitat of Catalunya.

2010 Research new creative thinking scholarship in Performing Arts, for Claim Your Place I+E devising period. Generalitat of Catalunya.

2009 La Cena, Nominated for Best Show, at the Butaca de Teatre i Cinema de Catalunya Awards.

2008 La Cena, Winner of Best Projects at the Premis d’Escenificación del Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. 

2002 – 2001 Scholarship for advanced improvement in Performing Arts, new creative thinking, for internship with Théâtre du Mouvement, Yves Marc and Claire Heggen, Paris (FR). Generalitat of Catalunya.

2001 Scholarship Stage International de Jeunes comédiens, with François Roy. Tàrrega Festival and Avignon Festival OFF, France.

2000-1997 Scholarship for extension of Artistic Studies. A bursary to study Dramatic Art at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. Government of Navarra.

2019 – 2018 Contemporary theatrical devising from a physical approach in the development of one’s own creative practice, with Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chantier, Peeping Tom company, Brussels. Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Royal Flemish Theater in Brussels.

2018 Theoretical-practical theatrical research project: Sport by Nuria Legarda, Goldsmiths University of London.

2017 Research laboratory by Nuria Legarda. Grec Festival, Graner Creation centre Dance and Performing Arts, Barcelona. 

2014 Research period for the devising piece: World of Wolves. Generalitat de Catalunya.

2012 Theatre research workshop with Andrés Lima. Matadero Madrid. Guest choreographer.

2012 – 2010 Euroregion cultural project, co-directed by La Zampa, Nuria Legarda. Moebius Collective. With the support of Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean, Toulouse CDC, Nuits Euphoriques Tournefeuille Festival, l’Estruch de Sabadell, Barcelona. La Caldera Barcelona, ​​Théâtre des 13 Vents CDN Languedoc-Roussillon Montpellier, ADDA Scènes Croisées Mende.

2010 Research period for the devising piece: Claim Your Place. Generalitat de Catalunya.

2007 Research laboratory by La zampa, Micadanse, Paris. Guest performer.

Originally from Pamplona (ES) where, at an early age, she obtained the Intermediate Professional Degree in Cello from the Pablo Sarasate Professional Conservatory, and studied Classical and Contemporary Dance at the Dance School of the Government of Navarra. She graduated in Musical Education from the University of La Rioja, and obtained a scholarship for artistic excellence to study a Bachelor’s Degree in Dramatic Art at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, ​​ studies that ends with his devising work: Allá voy! with honours. Having recently graduated, she received a scholarship from the Generalitat of Catalonia to complete a year’s internship with Théâtre du Mouvement (FR), directed by Yves Marc and Claire Heggen, (2001-2002 Paris) with whom she expanded her theatrical understanding and the breadth of her performance skills in physical and visual theatre. She began to work as a performer with the Comediants company and very soon he would begin directing her own theatrical pieces, as well as collaborating with stage directors, contributing from her vision of the body and movement. After fifteen years of working as a performer, choreographer, director and teacher, she obtained a full scholarship from the Generalitat of Catalonia to study a master’s degree in Performance Making at the Goldsmith University of London (2016-2018), where she scored a distinction for her final piece Sport; a performance which she conceptualised, directed and acted in, described as: ‘a sublime articulation of her movement skills and her very individual sense of scenography’. Graeme Miller, interdisciplinary artist and composer, London. 





About Nuria Legarda

A ESCENA, BTV / Escena i noves tecnologies

About productions

Press kit

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Web design: Ariadna Cabré and Nuria Legarda

Photographies: Felipe Mena

Remaining photos: Pep Dauré, Michael O’Relly, Joanna Walton, India Gillett, Ludovic Descognets, Tom Elkins, Paulo Duarte, Isabelle Duverger, Yann Marquis, Loran Chourrau.